Secretary & treasurer
Secretary Lisa Fowler and Treasurer Lisa Caver give of their time, energy and talent to help our church stay on track! Thank you, ladies!
SBC Deacons
Our Deacons have been ordained in the church to serve as our representatives in decision-making, worship leadership and support. They represent the congregation in moving our church forward in the Kingdom of God!
Larry Butts, W.A. Scriber,
Lonnie Dean, Caroll Holmes, and Logan Puckett
Music Team
Music is an integral part of our worship service! Lisa Holmes: Music/special worship leader; Kay Holmes: organist & pianist; Kathy Scriber: pianist; and W.A. Scriber, Music Leader.
sunday school
Our Sunday School Teachers provide opportunities for growth in God’s Word and group discussion in applying His Word for our youngest preschooler to our senior adults. There’s a class for everyone!
Mazie Williams (kids & tweens)
Vicky Key (teens)
Cindy Spears (Adult II)
Jason & Lisa Holmes and Lonnie Dean (Adult I)